
Day 5
     The elephants; they hold such grace and culture beyond thick shields of aged and wrinkled grey, horns of worth protecting from the predators of savanna, though the concrete jungle brings far more fearsome beasts. Armed with seeds that flesh, nails that fillet the flesh, shells that break bones—there is no predator for these horrendous bodies of absolute malice, not a redeeming quality is held amongst them, humanity as they are.
     Yet their young remain with purity, morals born from common sense and observable fact—emotion hadn’t yet been harvested through standardized systems, skin and stress capitalized and sold for entertainment amongst themselves. So self-destructive in their backwards development; to better their lives they end them a dozen paces faster, make the sole land habitable for their kind far more dead than a sea of similar name.
     Those petite in size though not if heart still littler the Earth—subject in some cases to saving, retaining the innocence given to them solely to be stolen away, supplemented with disdain and bitterness.
     Yet still, the elephants bury the dead—with politeness, conceal them in vegetation out of respect. They’ve come to grieve with more genuine intent than the fullest of funerals, responding to poor socialization as distinctly as any man.
     In spite of their beauty and moral high ground, still we cut them down for no more than useless bone priced higher than metals of higher beauties and purpose—shed not a tear for the majesty held in plains struck with famine. Royal families of once reptilian ground need not be dethroned, if not preserved in lineage for the well being promoted through their image alone.
